
We love our local businesses!

The mission of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Tourism Commission is to attract visitors, stimulate economic development, and protect our region’s unspoiled ecosystems and local communities. Find resources for sharing your businesses with our visitors below!

Submit Your Business
Business listings are available for Eastern Shore of Virginia businesses. Click the category most appropriate for your business and fill out the survey to submit your business to be listed on our website!

oyster roast

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If you have any trouble with submitting your business or event, please email Emily at

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Board of Commissioners

John Coker, Chair
Northampton County Board of Supervisors
1530 Elliots Creek Lane
Cape Charles, VA 23310
757-331-1937 (home)
201-519-0906 (cell)

Billy Joe Tarr, Vice-Chair
Accomack County Board of Supervisors
PO Box 388
Accomac, VA 23301
757-336-2940 (home)
757-894-9665 (cell)

Joanne Moore
Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce
6733 Maddox Boulevard
Chincoteague, VA 23336

Matt Spuck
Accomack County Appointee
15 North Street
Onancock, VA 23417

Clarice MacGarvey
Northampton County Appointee
757-651-8260 (cell)

Tammy Holloway
Cape Charles Town Council Appointee
403 Tazewell Avenue
Cape Charles, VA 23310
757-331-2838 (home)
703-989-1729 (cell)

Laura Messer (non-voting ex-officio consultant)
Destination Development Manager with the Virginia Tourism Corporation
Virginia Tourism Corporation Representative

Meet Our Staff

Robert Sabbatini

Executive Director

Emily Machen
Director of Marketing

Aileen Joeckel
Executive Assistant

Additional Resources

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