Inspired by a true story, this is an enchanting adventure about a lost penguin rescued from an oil spill, who transforms the life of a heartbroken fisherman. They soon become unlikely friends, so bonded that even the vast ocean cannot divide them. My Penguin Friend is a tale that traverses the magic of the ocean, the beauty of nature, and the transformative power of love. As a reporter documenting the story said about these events, “It gives me hope. I need that.” Right now, we could all use a healthy dose of what this movie has to offer. And as a special treat, we’ll show a short film before the movie from Mark Atkinson, the Eastern Shore’s own photographer, documentarian and writer.
January 9th 7pm at the Roseland Theater, Onancock, VA
48 Market St
Onancock, VA 23417
- www.roselandonancock.com/
- Hours: 7:00 PM